Every year in my town there is a local show you know the giant vegetable kind of one?

Well they also have cooking, flower arranging and HANDICRAFTS!! I am going to enter into the show this year. There are various sections with knitting, tapestry, cross stitch, patchwork, quilting etc etc. I am going to try and enter as many categories as I can because there is a cup up for grabs!
I mentioned entering to my grandma and she has now also decided to enter some knitting so I am in direct competition with my her! It is going to be tense to see if either of us manage to win the 50p up for grabs!!! And more importantly who beats who! (I am ignoring the fact that she helped me pick up some stitches for the collar!). She is an amazing knitter (so fast) so I am nervous to see the results. I suppose after over 80 years of knitting I may reach her standards!
I won't show you what I am entering yet (you never know my competition may stumble upon it!) but I have 6 items in the show. Only 2 of them are completed though.....the others all need finishing off and the show is this saturday- uh oh!! I am also having a craft stall with a colleague on the Sunday and have yet to make enough stock for that but who needs sleep anyway?!
I unfortunately am working on Saturday (booo!!) so won't get to see if I win or not. But panic not for I have my trusty spies going in to see where I come and will fill you in over the weekend! I never knew I was so competitive but clearly when it comes to crafts it is war!!
Good luck hunny! I used to moan to hubby that I wasn't as good a knitter as his Auntie but she was 80 at the time and I did get better eventually. You are young, you dont sleep lol
ReplyDeleteThank you!! I won a cup!!!! And I beat my grandma in the knitting!!! I will do a proper update on it tomorrow hopefully!