I'm trying to fill you in on my Chrsitmas gift making but can't work out how to get the pictures from my new phone onto the blog so you'll have to bear with me!
I want to make some crafty new years resolutions on here in the hope that I will then stick to them! Do you make resolutions? I quite enjoy thinking about what I want to achieve in the next year or what I want to change for the better.
1. Learn to crochet!! This was a resolution last year and I did manage to crochet one dodgy looking granny square and one actual square looking one. But it all felt very backwards and wrong so I'm going to try it left handed and see if that makes a difference otherwise I'll just have to persevere until it feels natural. I am very envious of the granny a day challenge and want to be able to take part next year!
2. Make entries for the local show. I want to continue my success of last years show. Which can be found here. I want to win the cup again basically its so shiny and I don't want to have to find something to replace its space on the shelf!! I've got a cross stitch half finished I can enter but need to get my thinking cap on for the other categories.
3. Open an Etsy shop. This is also something I wanted to do last year but ran out of time- I thought last year went ridiculously quick! I know what I want to stock it with I just need to get a wriggle on and make it all so I can list it.
4. Comment more on the blogs I read. I read a lot of blogs from people I follow on twitter and on here but rarely leave a comment. I'm not really sure why, I just think to myself what a nice post or great idea and never let the blogger know, but that will change this year!
5. Tweet more. I've been on twitter for a while now and although I read the feed most days a barely tweet myself. Mainly because I think no one is interested about what I'm doing!! But when I'm reading my feed that is what I like reading about other people, I'm nosey I want to know what people are up to and what crafts they are working on so I will try and share a bit more of my boring life with the world of twitter!!

I think 5 resolutions is enough to be getting on with for this year! I can't wait for payday tomorrow so I can buy a new diary for my filofax and start planning in when I'm going to start the resolutions. (reading this last bit back I think I need to get out more!!)
Let me know if you have any resolutions or if any of yours are the same?
Hopefully I'll have my Christmas post complete with pictures ready for you soon!
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